Find here our Icons and Fonts overview.
The Icons you can include into the CI-Sets if you dont have a own logo but want to have instead a business specific Icon.
Line Icons Mixed
Food & Resto
Weather, Eco, Solar Power
Architect, Construction, Repair, Craftsman, Key Service
Automobile, Mechanic, Repair, Motorcyle
Sport Sign / Icon
Fashion designer, Cutter, Cosmetic, Hiar Stylist, Beauty, Jewellery
Music, DJ, TV, Communication, Radio
Lawyer, Law, Office, Papers, Notary
Doctor, Laboratory, Medicine, Hospital
Graphic Mix, Hipster, Signs,
Desgin, Graphic, Signs, Painting, New Media, Marketing
Travel, Tourism, Taxi,
Finance, Money, Gold, Statistic
Study, School, Education
Sport, Sport medicine
All icons